Jumat, 14 Mei 2010


hypothesis 1
The high priority given to e-learning in the public k-12 education sector in Indonesia is currently counter-productive, and the focus of our teaching institutions upon computerised learning as a solution for improving education quality in schools is inapproriate and unsupported.

Major Issues:

- It will be at least another 10 years before there are sufficient computers in our public schools to even consider commencing a minimal national e-learning program.

- With current computer/ student ratiois 1:2,000 any real developments that may be achieved will only further widen the gap for the majority of students who don't have access or facilities.

- A clasroom Contextual learning environment is still recognized as the best form of education

- Because of the high profile given to issues like e-learning by government bodies and media, the majority of teachers in the field, who don't have access to these facilities may believe that they are dis-advantaged and limited educationally.

- Frequently students who achieve national acclaim in contests, for example Olympiads, are for small towns and villages, and not from large high-tech cities or schools.

- We must question whether technology and all the trappings and distractions (entertainment, chatting, etc.) and time-wasting options are actually reducing the quality of learning in our communities. This is a global issue, not just an issue for Indonesia.

- High-tech developed countries are frequently questioning the quality of their education systems and how effectively they are preparing their students academically and for their real-world needs.

- The development of quality e-learning materials is extremly difficult and well beyond the abilities of most teachers in the field.

- Insufficient research has been conducted in Indonesia to support the notion that e-learning will improve education quality.

Hypothesis 2

Institutions teaching education technology courses are not adequately preparing their students for the real-world (Appropriate Technology) needs of our learning communities.

Accepted Conditions - Not under debate.

1) There is a role for E-Learning in External Studies for university students residing at great distances from their campus, and for people in the workforce who need to study at times that they have available.

2) There is a very large role and market for E-Learning in the corporate sector for staff training. Many staff can not make themslves available (and it is also costly) to attend classes. For instance, Field Technical Staff, Pilots, Nurses, etc....

- But not in schools?

Major issues: (Note: Many of the issues above also relate to this topic)

Basic Reading: Do we need high-technology to achieve quality learning - certainly not!

- Appropriate education technologies are not currently being maximized in our schools.

- Insufficient emphasis upon training for education technology students in the application of appropriate technologies.

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